Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

 Introducing Blitzway × 5PRO's featured item "Blitzway × 5PRO studio VOLTRON – CARBOTIX (Die-cast movable robot) / Beast King Golion", which is currently accepting reservations at!

Blitzway × 5PRO studio VOLTRON – CARBOTIX (Die-cast movable robot) / Beast King Golion

A powerful scale alloy robot appears! The double hinge structure perfectly reproduces the combination and separation sequence in the play. A large amount of die-casting is used for a powerful size of over 38 cm, giving it a powerful weight. The balance of modeling is also excellent, and the reproducibility of each unit that is separated and combined is very high. It is a product that has become a hot topic overseas because it is a popular aircraft as Voltron.

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO

Carbotix Beast King Golion - Voltron, Blitzway × 5PRO


  • Painted movable robot made of ABS & PVC & die-cast
  • Publisher: Blitzway × 5PRO
  • Reference price: 123,200 yen (tax included)
  • Available on November 30, 2022
  • Scheduled to be released on December 9, 2022

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