Aqua Shooters! 08 & Aqua Shooters! 08 DX Street Girl, Bandai

 A new work has appeared in "AQUA SHOOTERS!" Developed by the Bandai Vendor Division! Reservations will be accepted at Premium Bandai from 11:00 on October 7, 2021 (Thursday).

Aqua Shooters! 08 & Aqua Shooters! 08 DX Street Girl has release for sale

AQUA SHOOTERS! 08 (10 pieces)

The 8th Aqua Shooters will be delivered in new T-shirt and spats style outfits! Widen the width of the display.


AQUA SHOOTERS! 08 (10 pieces)

  • Set contents: A set of pre-painted assembled figures
  • Product material: PVC / ABS / MABS
  • Product size: Height approx. 75mm
  • Publisher: Bandai
  • Price: 5,500 yen (tax included)
  • Scheduled to be shipped in February 2022


AQUA SHOOTERS! 08 DX Street Girl

Delivered in a jersey etc. in the same T-shirt style as the 8 bullets. You can enjoy various looks with 3 kinds of costumes, 3 kinds of hairstyle parts, and 4 kinds of different facial expression parts.


AQUA SHOOTERS! 08 DX Street Girl

  • Set contents: A set of pre-painted assembled figures
  • Product material: PVC / ABS / MABS
  • Product size: Height approx. 75mm
  • Publisher: Bandai
  • Price: 5,500 yen (tax included)
  • Scheduled to be shipped in February 2022

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