Shigoto Neko Minifigure Collection 3, Toys Cabin

Information on "Shigoto Neko Minifigure Collection 3" has been released on the official Twitter of Toys Cabin (@TOYSCABIN)!

Shigoto Neko Minifigure Collection 3

One year after "Shigoto Neko Minifigure Collection 2", a completely new work has arrived! As usual, the illustrations drawn by Mr. Kumamine are cute and three-dimensional. This time, we will develop new approaches such as the success of office worker cats and home delivery! Some items include gimmicks such as movable arms, ties, glasses, and luggage attachment / detachment.

Shigoto Neko Minifigure Collection 3

  • Capsule products
  • All 5 types ((1) Flow Yoshi !, (2) PC work, (3) Delivery, (4) Break for a while, (5) Business card)
  • Publisher: Toys Cabin
  • Price: 300 yen each time
  • Scheduled to be released in August 2021 

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